The Quest for a High Performance Organization

Every day, senior executives are confronted with the challenges of high performance: satisfying stakeholders, improving quality, maintaining a desirable organizational culture, and delivering results.

Often the response to these demands is to address a specific problem area or a set of issues. The highest-performing organizations, however, approach these challenges with a systematic and comprehensive response. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Program offers a time tested, successful model for leaders interested in achieving performance excellence. This session introduces participants to the Baldrige framework and criteria; educates them on the application of the model; describes the model in the context of other approaches, such as Balanced Scorecard, Six Sigma, and Lean Thinking; and provides real case examples of organizations that are using Baldrige.

Download the Achieving Excellence one-page explainer PDF for printing.

Craig Rapp is a nationally known speaker and consultant. He has been a City Manager, an executive in two privately held companies, senior executive at a Regional Planning Council, the Director of Consulting for an International Association–and he has trained and performed Improv at The Second City in Chicago.